2015 - ongoing
sewn cloth with machine embroidery
13"h x 10 "w
There are over 100 machine-embroidered portraits of exonerated individuals. in this ongoing series. The portraits are sewn on the pocket of a shirt fragment typical of prison uniforms. Accompanying this collection is an accounting ledger with a digital print of each pocket and the history of each exoneration (supplied with permission of the Innocence Project and the National Registry of Exonerations). Of the 2,705 exonerated (as of this writing), the first selected had served the longest (28-45 years).
A judicial system that incentivizes informants, provides inadequate defense, misapplies forensic science, permits government misconduct, allows false confessions or admissions, and does nothing to correct eyewitness misidentification will, inevitably, prosecute, convict and incarcerate innocent individuals.